Sunday, 30 January 2011

but I'm not

So, having a baby takes up a lot of time. Much more than I had anticipated, I'll admit. I honestly thought that babies slept a lot. Which they do, just not for long stretches of time. I hadn't figured on a baby who thinks afternoons are for cat napping and crying. Or that I would spend an inordinate amount of time rinsing out nappies, soaking nappies, rinsing them out again and washing them and, finally, finally washing them. For the first few weeks, we had toasties or take away fish and chips many times. Even though I had made and frozen a huge lasagne and various other meals, we still ended up eating pasta made with whatever needed using up in the fridge. It was a very odd dinner but strangely gratifying in that we rid ourselves of several jars clogging up the fridge and still produced something edible.

Anyway, now that we are more settled, I have time to do things like reading my book group books or catching up on The Mentalist (new tv find - I am sort of a tiny bit obsessed). I even have time to shower every day and sometimes, I eat breakfast. A proper breakfast, not just a granola bar and an apple stuffed down on my way to the doctors or health visitor clinic.

Lady M is pretty amazing though. She smiles and makes funny faces and amuses and charms everyone she comes into contact with. That's the magic of all babies. They really are just incredible little things. I never appreciated this until we made one of our own. I was never a baby person but now... now I think all babies are gorgeous in their own ways and I find myself drawn to them, reaching out to stroke tiny hands and make faces at them in order to coax a whisper of a smile. I understand it now. That pull that babies exert over people (mostly other mothers, granted!). 

But Lady M. Lady M is special of course. She is advanced for her age. She's a perfect Johnson's baby. Everything about her is fascinating right down to how her bowel movements have changed since she was first born. I asked my sister to tell me when I was being one of 'those mothers' who goes on and on about poo colour and frequency - she's given up! I realise that all parents think their child is amazing - it's biologically sound. Why would you continue to raise a child you thought was going to be hopeless in later life? Obviously I mean that at a very primitive, basic consciousness. But still, she really is a beautiful and advanced baby...

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